I would like to introduce myself I am Mrs Sam Peacefullday, I live in Dorset UK and run Sam's Lazy Bears which is a Teddy bear repair service. I do all the repairs from my kitchen table at home and I have a shop in the Lyme Regis at The Antique and Crafts Center, I also have an online shop - www.samslazybears.co.uk

This all started for me when I became ill after a flu virus attacked part of my nervous system, this left me unable to walk. I spent a lot of time in bed at first and I have had to re-learn how to use my legs again. So I started making teddy bears, I used to make felt toys as a child. My mum, aunty, uncle and cousin were all professional at sewing in their working lives. So it is something I grew up around.

I started doing repairs now ten years ago, when I found a 1972 Paddington bear he needed an eye replacing and a paw recovering. I soon had him looking good and I sold him in my friend's shop. From there I began going round car boots, markets, fairs, and auctions, and I started repairing more and more and then I took a stand at the shop in Lyme Regis to sell them on. I found it so very rewarding when they went off to a new home.

I began to learn techniques from books, magazines and from online groups I joined our patron Jax Smiths online facebook where she runs the Teddybear restoration group. I learnt the rules of restoration and after seven years I felt confident enough to go public with my repairs.

There are many challenges with repairs and every bear or soft toy has different needs, sometimes the first attempt does not go so well and you have to be prepared to redo it until its right.
The old sheepskin and real fur bears are the hardest as they become very brittle with age. Finding the solutions is part of the fun. I often dye furs to match and sometimes I am asked to completely recover a bear. I will often use the fur and parts from old damaged and unwanted bears, so I can use like for like.

My favourite bears are the Chiltern bears and of course the Steiff bears I also love Merrythought. But a Chiltern still looks handsome to me even when bald.
I also have a Newark (fake) Steiff bear they are made on mass abroad and they sell them at antique markets as old Steiffs. I did not pay a lot for mine so I can enjoy him and I like to use him to show other people just what a fake looks like.

I Love the before and after pictures like this one of Frank he was the first bear I took apart completely as he had sat in a smokers house all his life and his fur and stuffing smelt. He also had a very odd leg and arm and a damaged nose a lot of work but he was so worth it.

A lovely lady said to me that every bear I repair, also repairs a little bit of me. And I think she was right as I can now walk about again and I am working full time after many years of recovery. I have had the privilege of repairing some stunning bears over the past few years including some very beautiful Steiffs that are now over 100 years old.

I have been on the BBC showing my work and the joy it brings to my customers. Earlier this year I was accepted into this group TMG what a honour it is for me to be part of such a special group, and something I am very proud to have achieved. Soon I shall be doing my first school talk to 90 five year olds, this will be all about teddy bears and soft toy repairs the TMG and recycling.

I have learnt to never give up, but to try again and to be open to new learning and creative ideas.
My fondest wishes, Sam.