The British Toymakers Guild
There is only one category of membership within the British Toymakers Guild ("the Guild"). A Member ("Member") is a person who because of the quality of the toys or playthings manufactured either as an individual or as the nominee of a Company, is selected by the Management Committee in accordance with the Aims of the Guild. A Member may display the official Guild logo on products manufactured by that Member. Logos must be in accordance with the approved design supplied by the Guild. The logo may also be used on stationery.
A Member may exhibit at Guild events, shall receive the Guild's newsletter and may use the Guild's public relations facilities. A Member shall supply information to the Guild for common use. A Member is entitled to appear in the annual membership list ("The Directory") published by the Guild, and to elect and be elected to all honorary positions 'Within the Guild ("Life Membership"). A Member may receive Consultancy fees and out-of-pocket expenses for work carried out on the Guild's behalf. A Member may not receive full-time remuneration from the Guild without the agreement of the Annual General Meeting."
In addition to the Members, the Guild makes provision for Associates and Friends subject to the following defining rules.
An Associate ("Associate") is open to all people and organisations interested in toys who support the Aims of the Guild. Associates shall receive copies of the Guild's newsletter and their details shall be listed in the Guild's annual Directory in the section of the Directory specifically allocated to Associates. Associates may advertise in the Directory. Associates are admitted free to events organised by the Guild. Associates may be co-opted by the Committee as advisers on specific matters, they may also be elected to the Selection Sub-Committee. Associates may attend and propose resolutions at meetings of the Guild, including the Annual General Meeting. An Associate may not vote on any constitutional matter. An Associate may use the Guild's logo on their stationary. An Associate may not use the Guild's logo on their products. Associates may not sell or exhibit goods at Guild events without the express permission of the Committee.
Friend of the BTG ("Friend") is open to all people and organisations interested in toys who support the Aims of the Guild. Friends shall receive copies of the Guild's newsletter. Friends are admitted free to events organised by the Guild. They may be co-opted as advisers on specific matters. Friends may attend and pose resolutions at meetings of the Guild, including the Annual General Meeting. They may also be elected to the Selection Sub-Committee. A Friend may not vote on any constitutional matter, neither may a Friend use the Guild's logo.
The highest authority of the British Toymakers Guild is the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") which is held no later than 30th September in each year. The Secretary shall also call a meeting at the request of one third or more of Members subject to the voting restrictions mentioned under MEMBERSHIP above.
All Members have the right to vote on proposals and matters arising.
Members may propose amendments to the Constitution or make other proposals. Proposals shall be received by the Secretary not less than 14 days before the date set for the AGM.
Members shall be given at least 21 days’ notice of the AGM, together with an agenda. The quorum for the AGM shall be one quarter of the full membership or 20 full members, whichever is less.
The A.GM shall:
Receive and approve the Chairman's report relating to the preceding year.
Receive and approve the financial report relating to the preceding year.
Have the final say in all disputes arising out of the management of the Guild's affairs.
Receive resignations from the outgoing Management Committee.
Receive nominations for the new Management Committee.
Elect the Management Committee for the coming year.
In the event of a split vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The Management Committee is elected by the AGM to serve for one year. At the end of each year, the Committee resigns and may be re-elected by AGM. Any current Committee member unwilling to stand for re-election should give at least one months notice to the Secretary. All Members of the Guild have the right to stand for election to the Management Committee. Those willing to stand for election must be proposed and seconded by a Member. Management Committee members shall be elected individulally by a show of hands.
The Management Committee shall comprise twelve members; others may be co-opted should the need arise, and will remain in office until the next AGM.
"The Committee is responsible for the day to day management of the Guild's affairs and will inform the membership periodically of any policy decision taken. The Management Committee shall appoint and dismiss its own officers:- Chairman (who shall also be Chairman of the Guild); Vice-Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer. Other officers may be appointed as required.
The office of the Chairman may be held for no longer than three consecutive years. A period of one-year mwt elapse before the same member may be re- elected as Chairman.